Masturbation and Hormones: How Do They Relate?
Nobody starts masturbating because it will boost their hormones. Jacking off feels good, and we’re naturally driven to enjoy it (and frequently).
But what if we told you that people largely want to masturbate because of the hormones at play and that masturbation may have a serious effect on your hormonal balance? In this article, we dive into the interplay of your hormones and self-pleasure, giving you the inside scoop on what’s going on in your body and how to get the most out of every jack-off session.
Does Masturbation Impact Your Hormones?
First, let’s define what exactly hormones are. After all, it’s been a long time since your middle school science class. Hormones are a type of chemical that act like messengers in the body. They are made in one part of the body and then travel to another to dictate how an organ or group of cells function.
Hormones are extremely powerful and seriously complicated. There are hormones for everything, and a very important class of hormones is your sex hormones.
So, yes, masturbation definitely impacts your hormones. Here are some of the prominent hormones that are at play when you masturbate:
- Oxytocin
- Dopamine
- Cortisol
- Prolactin
- Estrogen
- Serotonin
- And more!
These hormones travel along the endocrine system (the path hormones take in the body) and instruct your sex organs to do all kinds of fun things. We’ll get into these hormones' exciting functions and health benefits below.
How Does Masturbation Affect Your Hormones?
Listen, the body's inner workings are complicated, and there are many unknowns regarding why and how our bodies function. However, masturbation and sex are very well-studied aspects of biology, so we have some exciting insights for you.
First, you need to understand that your body rewards you when you engage in self-sexual activity. We are designed to want to procreate, and masturbation is (sort of) a part of that process. Hence, the start and finish of masturbation will include lots of feel-good hormones like oxytocin and dopamine.
Hormones are also involved in the biological functions of your genitals. For example, changing endorphins and hormone levels bring on the lubrication that prevents vaginal dryness. Special firing neurotransmitters cue the penis to engorge and get hard. Key hormone imbalances can even result in common health conditions like erectile dysfunction, early menopause, and irregular ovulation.
Other results come from the rush of masturbation-related hormones. For example, stress levels will lower after ejaculation. Your sense of well-being and mental health will get a quick boost in the wake of sex hormones. Masturbation causes other side effects like increased self-esteem and may even help you get some shut-eye.
Hormones can also cause us to want to masturbate in the first place. Sexual arousal and sexual desire may be situational, but once there’s a hint of potential sex drive, your sex hormones will snap on and start flooding the body. Once this sexual function starts, it’s often hard to “turn off” the hormones.
Clearly, hormones and masturbation are highly connected and incredibly powerful aspects of sexual behavior.
Can Masturbation Lead to Hormonal Imbalance?
There are a lot of rumors regarding what masturbation does to the body. Some claim that too much self-pleasure can cause sexual dysfunction. There are myths that excessive masturbation can result in hair loss. There are also theories that masturbation can lead to a hormonal imbalance.
None of these rumors are true, but we get how the hormone and jacking-off myth became popular. After all, masturbation clearly has a serious effect on your hormones. It’s easy to imagine that too much pleasure could send your hormonal system into overdrive.
The reality is that masturbation is an essential aspect of your sexual health. The human body is designed to shoot off sex hormones, often without any ill effects.
However, some of the warning signs of a hormonal balance are sex-related, making it seem like your sexual activities are tied to the imbalance. When a hormonal balance occurs, it typically affects every aspect of your life, including self-pleasure. Here are some of the actual warning signs of a hormonal imbalance:
- Hot flashes: You may notice yourself sweating when it’s cold out or at odd times of day.
- Low libido: A lower-than-normal sex drive for extended periods of time is always a cause for concern.
- Excessive and sudden acne: Think of acne on your back, thighs, or other odd places.
- Fatigue: Long periods of tire spells that even caffeine can’t fix.
- Numbness: This is especially concerning when persistent and in a consistent spot.
- Depression: Sudden poor mood or continuing depressive state is a key symptom.
- Skin discoloration: Darker or lighter patchy skin color is a big red flag.
These symptoms and associated imbalance could be coming from an underlying illness, improper drug use, or even age. It’s essential to seek medical advice from a professional if you’re experiencing these symptoms.
Masturbation and Testosterone: Are They Linked?
Men always want to know, “Do my masturbation habits influence the amount of testosterone I have?” This is a valid question! The amount of testosterone in your system influences your energy levels, motivation, ability to bulk up, bone density, and even your confidence.
Plus, a lack of testosterone can have some adverse effects on your overall health and sex life. So, is masturbation and testosterone linked? The answer is no.
Self-pleasure does have a very temporary effect on testosterone levels, but, as we’ve discussed, it has a temporary effect on lots of hormones. No amount of masturbation will permanently affect your T-levels.
If you’re noticing symptoms tied to low testosterone, don’t blame masturbation. Instead, get yourself checked out. You may have one of the following conditions:
- Thyroid problem: The thyroid is a key producer of testosterone and will stop properly regulating any number of hormones when damaged.
- Inflammatory diseases: Many inflammatory diseases affect organs that control testosterone. Any number of these diseases can halt the production of testosterone.
- Testicle injury: If both testes are severely injured at the same time, then your testosterone levels can be immediately and seriously affected.
Low testosterone can be a sign of a serious issue. However, it’s not a sign you should stop your pleasure. It’s vital to understand that, overall, masturbation is incredibly beneficial. So strap in and jack off without fear!
Boost Your Happy Hormones with Fleshlight
Masturbation is an excellent method to naturally boost your mood through the pleasure of self-stimulation and the rush of hormones. At Fleshlight, we put your pleasure first with fantastic and innovative sex toys. Our devices are built to last, created to be body-safe, and deliver loads of pleasure.
The only question left is, “Which toys should you get?” It’s tough to choose between the classic female pocket pussy, the powerful blowjob simulator, and other innovative designs.
Try checking out our best male sex toys and sensual dildos for women to see if anything catches your eye. And remember, it never hurts to have more than one pleasurable toy in your bedroom drawer.
Choose Fleshlight for all your male and female masturbation needs and get the most out of your hormone boost every time.